Rivet Nuts
The beryunt product of I Cheng included:Flat Head series/Countersunk...
We can provide the most diversified tightly fastener products of...
專精於高速且精密之零件車削、銑削、鑽孔、攻牙、剖溝....等加工開發量產業務多年來成功扮演協助國內外客戶產品能 Cost-down達到強化市場競爭力的重要推手 是在台灣緊固扣件 、軸心、各種類精密金屬零件OEM / ODM開發製造領域最值得信賴 的技術整合型廠商。
Established in 1976
Is majored in high speed and precise parts turning and lathes, milling, drilling, tapping, crosscutting…etc,business of processing development and mass production. Several years to play the role of assistant who help domestic and international customer's product and can Cost-down and arrive at enhancing the market competition ability successfully, and we are the most trustworthy.